Monday, November 4, 2019

Large Corporations managing change,internal change drivers and Research Paper - 1

Large Corporations managing change,internal change drivers and catalysts - Research Paper Example In the organizational context researchers define change as â€Å"necessary way of life in most organizations†1. Again, some other researchers have defined organizational change as â€Å"a relatively enduring alteration of the present state of an organization or its components or interrelationships amongst the component and their differential and integral functions, in totality, in order to attain greater feasibility in the framework of the current and future environment†2. The present study intends to investigate the reasons that compel firms to change, and how companies manage the change process. In this regard, the role of internal change drivers and catalysts is vital. Mills and Mills write in their book Understanding Organizational Change that the operations of a company as well as other organizations are affected by a variety to environmental factors such as leadership change, mergers and acquisitions, downsizing, introduction of new products, industrial disputes, political and legal climate, changing consumer preferences and technology3. Change is the only thing constant in the environment and is taking place every day. However, when we refer to organizational change, we are specifically referring to change that has significant impact how employees think about their organization and the changes they need to make in their work to cope with it. Organizational Change is thus referred to as a change in the core aspect of a company’s operations. It has been determined with the previous discussion that for organizations change is not merely inevitable but to a great extent essential for survival. However this does not automatically imply that people would be readily accepting the change. The truth is that changing an established behavior makes people uncomfortable, and the result is resistance4. Implementing change is a very challenging task. The unfamiliar makes the employees suspicious; it is their natural concern

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