Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Ethical Debate Concerning Cloning Essay - 6336 Words

The Ethical Debate Concerning Cloning In the year that has elapsed since the announcement of Dollys birth, there has been much discussion of the ethical implications of cloning humans. Although the simple use of the word clone may have negative connotations, many people have resigned themselves to the idea of cloning cows that produce more milk or using a cloned mouse for use in controlled experimentation. However, the idea of cloning humans is a highly charged topic. Several authors have attempted to outline some of the ethical objections to cloning while at the same time minimizing the role religion plays in this debate. The objections posed by†¦show more content†¦A second argument for cloning starts with the idea of reproductive rights. This liberal view holds that every individual is entitled to the right to have a child as long as the child born is unharmed. Some philosophers point out that when talking about rights it is necessary to discern from whom these rights should come. This question is difficult to answer because it either assumes natural, God-given rights or requires that the state ensure the right to reproduce or both. A third view says that cloning will provide for the possibility of improvement by giving birth to children who are free of birth defects, because when any two people create a child through sex there is the possibility for genetic defects. However, since clones are the exact replicas of someone already alive, their genetic dispositions will have already surfaced. Kass response is these three contexts are that they are all too passive. They ignore the value of the process of bringing forth new life and look at the question in terms of results and rights. He claims that we should look at this question from the anthropologic perspective that the meaning behind the process of having a child is whats important. With many of the reproductive biotechnologies now accepted by a large portion of society, we tend to forget that there is only oneShow MoreRelatedPersonhood: the Central Question in Medical Ethics1219 Words   |  5 Pagescentral debate in the ethics of medicine: What constitutes a person? Does the level of brain activity characterize an individual as a person? Is a persons body simply â€Å"on loan from the biomass†? The answers to these questions determine the outcome of every medical decision from Abortion to Euthanasia. An analysis of the main arguments arising in these controversial issues will serve to illustrate this po int. The idea of personhood is readily apparent in the ethical debate concerning AbortionRead More Embryonic Wars Essay1634 Words   |  7 Pagesto clarify and summarise the controversial debate concerning the ethical decency of embryonic cloning for therapeutic purposes. This is the form of cloning that is supposedly beneficial to a barrage of medical applications. 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Ethicists pictured images of baby farming and of clones cannibalized for spare parts. Protesters chanted on the streets to immediately ban human-embryo cloning. The cover of Newsweek had images of babies in beakers, and the debate concerning test tube babies resurfaced. LOsservatore Romano from Vatican city stated these procedures could lead humanity down a tunnel of madness. And many other groups and individuals expressed their horror of cloning humans. ProfessorRead MoreEssay on Cloning Informative Speech1597 Words   |  7 PagesCloning and Stem Cell Research S/P: To inform my audience about cloning and cell stem research. C/I: The benefits and ethical issues of cloning and cell stem research. Introduction Specific purpose: Today I’m going to inform you about â€Å"Cloning Technology and Stem Cell Research†. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Discussion. General Conclusions. Our Study Focused On Whether

Discussion General Conclusions Our study focused on whether the gender of the author and emotionality of social media posts influences people to perceive the author on how masculine, feminine, and likable they are. We mainly wanted to target males because of the stereotype that they should not express emotionality and if they do, they are perceived as â€Å"girly.† Our hypotheses for the interactions were as follows: males who write emotional newsfeeds on social media will be perceived as less masculine than females; females who write emotional newsfeeds on social media will be perceived more feminine than males; males who write emotional newsfeeds on social media will be perceived as less likable than females. From this study none of our†¦show more content†¦Since only one of our post talked about career, that may have impacted some of the participants’ view in how they should perceive them. Limitations With any study, there are limitations that are not counted for in the study, which may result unfavorably. Because we found no significance in all but one hypotheses, many factors may be contributed. Participants. Overall, our study was limited in its sample size and diversity of participants. The vast majority of the participants were of 18-24 age range and of white race who were women. Because of this, these results cannot be generalized to the population. This could be fixed by increasing the sample size and distributing the survey everywhere, such as social media, emails to other schools, etc. Also, unmotivated participants who answered neutral for many items on the scales, did not give us significant results. Therefore, removing the neutral option in both scales may lead to significant results, by forcing the participant to go one way or the other. Newsfeed. The newsfeed consisted of four posts: two neutrals, one positive, and one negative. Since the neutral posts remained the same, the only posts that were changed were the positive and negative posts. By only providing four posts to base perceived masculinity and femininity, and likability of the author, it did not influence the participant to perceive the author differently. Therefore, adding more posts may lead to significant results. AnotherShow MoreRelatedThemes Of Homelessness992 Words   |  4 Pagesat the age of 15† or ongoing trauma that is creating problems for them during their time being homeless articulated in the case of Lauren â€Å" He would bash me in front of his mates. He was a speed (amphetamines) user, and I began injecting too†. Discussion Homelessness is a difficult process which affects many people across a diverse background, the common themes for those who have experienced homelessness are Mental health issues drug use, abusive relations hips and economic hardship. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Battle of Mexico City Free Essays

It is my opinion that the Mexican America war was one of the major factors that led to the Civil War. The war was fought as part of the Manifest Destiny mindset of the times, which led to infighting among the states. This infighting concerned whether or not the new states that were being formed would be slave states or free states. We will write a custom essay sample on The Battle of Mexico City or any similar topic only for you Order Now This struggle for a balance of power eventually set off the Civil War and succeeded in tearing our nation apart. I feel this caused more damage than Santa Anna could have ever imagined. Conclusion The effect of the Mexican American war is felt to this day in the United States. The Battle of Mexico city was a decisive battle in winning this war. This paper shows that the internal battles it set off were far mor long reaching than the arm of Manifest Destiny. References Bauer, K. Jack. The Mexican War, 1846-1848 (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. , 1974). How to cite The Battle of Mexico City, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

International Journal Hospitality Management-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The International Journal Hospitality Management? Answer: Introducation It is mandatory for an organization to select the adequate market and entry mode to introduce themselves to the customers in the global world. Target market helps the organization to attract the correct customers for their product. It helps them to select the type of customers they want for their product. Entry mode helps the organization to enter in the new surrounding efficiently, it also helps the organization reduces the risk and gain the customers of the market. Further, the companies who achieved competitive advantage by using these strategies are: Apple Inc. Apple Inc. is an international company famous for manufacturing products like iPhone, iPod, MacBook etc. The products of Apple are sold worldwide through retail, online, and direct stores. The company is excelling the market and gaining maximum customer satisfaction due to which the growth of the company is initiated in the market. As it is known, Apple products are considered most efficient products in the market to which the customers focus on repurchasing the Apple brand products only. The market strategy of apple helps the organization in gaining the competitive in the market (Dinnie 2015). Talking about the market strategy of the organization, the company proficiently targeted the right customers for their product who will create actual sales. Apple is regarded to be the most premium brand in the electronic software industry. Thus, the company initiated to target rich and upper-class customers who will actually buy the products of the organization. The company aimed high to target the customers who can purchase their premium brand and they also created product differentiation by introducing efficiency technology in it. This activity identified the product in the market due to which the tech-savvy customers of the organization interest was gained by the organization (De Mooij 2013). Thus, these customers became the fixed customers for the organization. The process through which the company grew in the global market is not that they serve premium products, but the reason behind the competitive advantage is that the customers of the organization are the static customers o f the organization who initiate repeated sales. Once a person uses the Apple brand product, they further use the same company products only for the rest of their lives. This is the main factor of growth of the organization (Verbeke 2013). Supposing if the company targeted the customers of middle or low class, then Apple wouldn't have a sustainable growth I the market because company placed the right product in the wrong market. This will initiate good returns for the operations resulting in negative growth of the organization. Further, Apple Inc. gained the market capitalization in the global business context by entering in al market by incensing their products. The International licensing agreement refers to the agreement which enables the foreign country firms to manufacture the products of the proprietors firm and sell them in their local target market (Brouthers 2013). As the name of the company Apple is already established in the market, resulting to which it was easy for the company to enter in any international target market. Further, it issued the license to the manufacturing company prevailing in the market which they are targeting for the production of the apple company products in their company. Thus, it process helped the company to expand their customer base in the international market. The manufacturing company also gets the right to access the patent and trademark of the apple company. So, knowing the fact that the company already has an efficiency brand image in the global market, thus, the premium customers the market gets attracted and sale process is initiated (Ang, Benischke, and Doh 2015). Mercedes Mercedes is an automobile multinational brand based in Germany. The manufacturer of the company Daimler AG produces luxurious automobile such as buses, cars, trucks etc. The company is world's one of the biggest brand selling best luxurious cars to the customers situated everywhere is in the world. Talking about the competitive advantage which the company Mercedes receives is that due to having an extended customer base and brand image in the market the company enjoys competences. Further, some of the activities which the company initiated in their management process helped them to achieve this position in the market. Like, the company aptly selected the right people to target in the market. The strategy of Mercedes behind market segmentation was that they wanted to create product differentiation, resulting to which the management divided the target market on the basis of four smaller segments that are; geographic, demographic, physiographic, and on the basis of the behavior of consumers (Amos 2016). Further, as the company wanted to create product differentiation in the market, resulting in which the company targets the upper-class customers in the market who prefer luxury at any cost. Also, the people having a special interest in cars were target by the company, looking at the consumer behavior the company launched the S-class which became highly famous as it benefitted the customers with the satisfaction which they want to gain by using the product. Thus, due to adequate market selection, the company gained their current position in the market. The company emphasized majorly on the design and s pecifications of the product, due to which the company became a rich brand and target the rich customers only (beda-Garca, et. al., 2014). The company Mercedes does not believe in franchising their products from other entrepreneurs in the global market, instead, they aim to provide efficient products to each and every customer of the company. Thus, the company uses the green Field strategy to introduce themselves in the global market. This strategy helps the company to manufacture their product themselves and reduce complaints of clients. This process also helps the company Mercedes to control the operation and initiate activities under the surveillance of the management. Entry timing also strategically assist the company in gaining the competitive advantage in the market (Garca-Lillo, beda-Garca, and Marco-Lajara 2017). The company Mercedes initiated the business process with an aim to gain the market capitalization globally. Thus, they became the fast follower of the technology and circulated their product worldwide. Global branding In today's world, the major focus of the companies is to create a brand image of the product globally. Once a brand image of the product is created in the market, then the company gains a competitive edge in the market. Thus, the fact shall be understood that brand image can help the company to initiate competence in their management. A premium price of the product helps the company to place themselves as a premium or luxurious brand in the market. The brand position of the product also helps the company to raise themselves above from the competition in the market. Global positioning refers to the place which the customers keep the products and perceive it as the best (Giachetti, and Marchi 2017). It helps the company to gain uniformity in products and helps the customers to known adequately about the product and company's image in the market. Further, the company which gained efficiency by using these strategies is discussed below: Samsung Samsung Company is a South Korean multinational conglomerate comprised of various businesses under them. The company mainly deals in producing hardware electronic products. The company is regarded to be one of the best company selling smartphones worldwide. With this effect, it is easily understood that Samsung has an identified image maintained in the market. Thus, it shall be known that global branding helped the company and its product to create emphasis on the customers and initiate the sale. Marketing strategies like adaptation and aggregation helped the company to survive tough competition in the global market (Saeed, Nematiyan, and Albonaiemi 2016). The main reason due to which Samsung is gaining maximum sale of its products in the market f compared with competitors is that the company manufactures all types of products that are high class, middle and lower class product. Looking at the preference of the market the company produces and manufactures products accordingly for the people who buys premium product whereas people who prefer middle range products buy the same form the market. Although due to this process the image of the company is not maintained as a luxury brand in the market, the company has gained the market capitalization by positioning the product at the adequate place (Dinnie 2015). Further due to these activities initiated by Samsung the global brand image of the company created the hybrid image in the market. Hybrid structure refers to company's image which produces all types of product and services. The product division helped the company to classify different products with different image. Products with premium prices are regarded as premium Samsung products and vice versa. With this strategy, the company slowly captured the global market along with the local customers (Verbeke 2013). Also, the product is positioned in the market by looking at the past activities of the company, thus, with this effect, different products are placed differently in the global market-based upon their level of satisfaction which they provide. Tesla Tesla Motors Inc. is an America automaker, energy Storage Company. The company is known for producing specialized electric cars which help in creating a sustainable environment. The initiative which the company started helped to create a global brand in the market. Tesla motors innovatively produced e-cars which less emitted pollution and generated less use of petroleum as well. Due to this process, the company identified themselves in the global market. The company showcased their product in such a way that, a strong brand image of the Tesla motors was created in the market. Talking about the brand structure, Tesla motors enjoy the image due to product dominance in the market. There is no other company in the market selling electronic cars with such efficiency. The company gains the competitive edge without market their new products in the market. As the customers already knew the quality of the products which the company serves, due to which they got attracted towards the electroni c cars and purchased them. Thus, due to this feature, the product was positioned at the premium place in the market (Foley 2016). Apart from that, the company sells normal cars well, before electronic cars the company gained the market capitalization by serving efficiency to its clients. Tesla eliminated the competition prevailing in the market by creating a recognized image in the market which possessed maximum sale of products of the company. Also, tesla is efficiently using the power in the market by selling products which are efficient and effective for people as well as nature. This image of the company is created in the market due to the placement of their product in the target market. Looking at the underlying market dynamic the company produced this product so as to change the face of the automobile industry and catted a differentiated position in the market. Also, the corporate branding feature helped the company to look at its future growth in advance. Branding helped the company to sustain the current growth in the competitive market; it also reduces the risk of competition in the market (Hoang, and Rothaermel 2016). Thus, with this process, the long-term vision of the company Tesla is also implemented. And now by gaining the major share of the global market the company can easily amend the automobile industry and create it in favor of society and customers. Conclusion Thus, in the limelight of above-mentioned event, the fact that shall be noted is that it is not easy for companies to gain a competitive edge in the target market; but if once an identified brad image is created globally then the company relieves them from the risk of competition. Further, it shall be noted just like Mercedes and Apple is important for the companies to place the product in the correct target market according to the type of their product. Along with this global branding helps the company to identify themselves in the global competitive market and gain the competitive edge. References Amos, D., 2016. How to Define Your Target Market. Ang, S.H., Benischke, M.H. and Doh, J.P., 2015. The interactions of institutions on foreign market entry mode.Strategic Management Journal,36(10), pp.1536-1553. Brouthers, K.D., 2013. A retrospective on: Institutional, cultural and transaction cost influences on entry mode choice and performance.Journal of International Business Studies,44(1), pp.14-22. De Mooij, M., 2013.Global Accounting and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Dinnie, K., 2015. Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice. Routledge. Foley, J., 2016. Shared Value and Competitive Advantage: A Tesla Motors Case Study. Garca-Lillo, F., beda-Garca, M. and Marco-Lajara, B., 2017. The intellectual structure of human resource management research: A bibliometric study of the International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20002012. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(13), pp.1786-1815. Giachetti, C. and Marchi, G., 2017. Successive changes in leadership in the worldwide mobile phone industry: The role of windows of opportunity and firms competitive action. Research Policy, 46(2), pp.352-364. Hoang, H. and Rothaermel, F.T., 2016. How to Manage Alliances Strategically. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(1), p.69. Saeed, N.B., Nematiyan, M. and Albonaiemi, E., 2016. Effective factors on the value of international brands in Iranian consumers (Case Study of Samsung brand in Khuzestan market). International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS)? ISSN 2356-5926, 2(3), pp.974-984. beda-Garca, M., Corts, E.C., Marco-Lajara, B. and Zaragoza-Sez, P., 2014. Strategy, training and performance fit. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 42, pp.100-116. Verbeke, A., 2013.International business strategy. Cambridge University Press.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Banking and Finance Law free essay sample

Joint account holders, case: Arden v Bank of New South Wales (1956) VLR 569 Combination of account, the bank’s right to combine accounts is dependant on the accounts being the same or closely similar. The right to combine accounts without express agreement: accounts must be held by customer in the same capacity, must not be an agreement or course of dealing with the customer which has negated the bank’s right to combine accounts, customer’s indebtedness must have been incurred to the bank as an banker and not in relation to other business carried on by the bank eg travel business. The main case of this rule is: Garnett v McKewan 1872. Knowing Receipt: Case: Thomson v Clydesdale Bank Ltd (1893) AC 282 APPLICATION Fantastic Landscapes is a customer of the Red Bank because it has accounts in this bank which are overdraft account with has a borrowing limit of $100000 accepted by Red Bank and another account has $20000 (Account No 2) Applying to the content of the contact, Fantastic Landscapes has signed an agreement form that is an express terms made between Red Bank and Fantastic Landscapes. We will write a custom essay sample on Banking and Finance Law or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The general terms and conditions included the following clause 12: upon receipt of each monthly overdraft account statement, the account holder shall read the statement and notify the bank of any errors contained in the statement within 15 days. Failure to notify the bank of any errors within that time will be treated as a breach of contract by the account holder entitling the bank to its remedies at law. Applying to the bank’s duty of confidentiality, the Red Bank recorded transactions between it and its customer (Fantastic Landscapes) and reported to its customer every 15 days as written in the general term. However, Red Bank did not complete its duty to question valid mandate because the cheques drawn by Minnie (one of the director of Fantastic Landscapes) within a period of 3 months are unusual drawn on Fantastic Landscapes’ overdraft account. When according to joint account holders, Ben actually is an innocent joint account holder, so he has a right to sue the Red Bank for the breach of contract. However, applying to the duty of customer in section duty to organize business, following cases: Lewes Sanitary Steam Laundry Co Ltd v Barclay Co Ltd (1906) 95 LT 444; and (6. 1) National Bank of New Zealand Ltd v Walpole and Patterson Ltd (1975) 2NZLR 7. The Red bank has an absolute advantage in this case because of the express term written in the contract Another director of Fantastic Landscapes, Ben has failed when sue Red Bank to recredit account which Minnie has stolen because he did not check overdraft account during 3 months, and in the contract with Red Bank has asked he to rea d and notify the bank of any errors contained in the statement within 15 days. Therefore, Ben or Fantastic Landscapes could not claim back $50000. When apply to combination of account, the Fantastic Landscapes has won in this lawsuit. The Red Bank has combined overdraft account and Account No 2 without any notice because they hear that this company has just lot a large landscaping contract and not working any more. Moreover, Red Bank has agreed Fantastic Landscapes to borrow maximum $100000, so they can not combine account without any notice to this company even though its overdraft account has reached to $100000. Therefore, Red Bank has to pay $10000 penalty fee for Fantastic Landscapes to the finance company. According to duty of the banker, the BLB (Big Lender Bank) does not have any duty to Fantastic Landscapes because in this case, its customer Minnie just is its client. Therefore, BLB do not have any duty to her company although she is a director in that company and she has committed fraud. Moreover, BLB do not care about how Minnie paid off her debt because Minnie did not withdraw money in the trust account. In addition, according to Thomson v Clydesdale Bank Ltd (1893) AC 282. BLB does not need to care about its customer detail particularly. Hence, the chances for Fantastic Landscapes win in this case in not to high than the case it won before when against Red Bank to reclaim $10000 penalty fee for finance company. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the Fantastic Landscapes has won in the case against Red Bank for compensation for $10000 penalty fee when they applied their case to combination of account. They won because Red Bank has committed the rule when combine two accounts without any notice to its customer. On the other hand, although the main fault belong to Minnie, the Fantastic Landscapes has failed in the case to recredit, its account when apply express term between it and the Red Bank. After all, the BLB do not have any duty to Fantastic Landscapes for compensation because when apply knowing receipt rule via Thomson case.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Interesting Xenon Facts and Uses in Chemistry

Interesting Xenon Facts and Uses in Chemistry Although its a rare element, xenon is one of the noble gases you may encounter in daily life. Here are some interesting facts about this element: Xenon is a colorless, odorless, heavy noble gas. It is element 54 with the symbol Xe and atomic weight 131.293. A liter of xenon gas weighs over 5.8 grams. It is 4.5 times denser than air. It has a melting point of  161.40 K ​(−111.75  °C, ​−169.15  °F) and boiling point of  165.051 K ​(−108.099  °C, ​−162.578  °F). Like nitrogen, its possible to observe the solid, liquid, and gas phases of the element at ordinary pressure.Xenon was discovered in 1898 by  William Ramsay and Morris Travers. Earlier, Ramsay and Travers discovered the other noble gases krypton and neon. They discovered all three gases by examining components of liquid air. Ramsay received the 1904 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his contribution in discovering neon, argon, krypton, and xenon and describing the characteristics of the noble gas element group.The name xenon comes from the Greek words xenon, which means stranger, and xenos, which means strange o r foreign. Ramsay proposed the element name, describing xenon as a stranger in a sample of liquefied air. The sample contained the known element argon. Xenon was isolated using fractionation and verified as a new element from its spectral signature. Xenon arc discharge lamps are used in the extremely bright headlamps of expensive cars and to illuminate large objects (e.g., rockets) for night viewing. Many of the xenon headlights sold online are fakes: incandescent lamps wrapped with a blue film, possibly containing xenon gas but incapable of producing the bright light of genuine arc lamps.Although the noble gases generally are considered inert, xenon actually does form a few chemical compounds with other elements. Examples include xenon hexafluoroplatinate, xenon fluorides, xenon oxyfluorides, and xenon oxides. The xenon oxides are highly explosive. The compound  Xe2Sb2F1   is particularly noteworthy because it contains a Xe-Xe chemical bond, making it an example of a compound containing the longest element-element bond known to science.Xenon is obtained by extracting it from liquefied air. The gas is rare but present in the atmosphere at a concentration of about 1 part per 11.5 million (0.087 parts per million.) The gas is present in the Martian atmosphere at approximately the same concentration. Xenon is found in the Earths crust, in gases from certain mineral springs, and elsewhere in the solar system, including the sun, Jupiter, and meteorites. It is possible to make solid xenon by exerting high pressure on the element (hundreds of kilobars.) The metallic solid state of xenon is sky blue. Ionized xenon gas is blue-violet, while the usual gas and liquid are colorless.One of xenons uses is for ion drive propulsion.  NASAs Xenon Ion Drive engine fires a small number of xenon ions at high speed (146,000 km/hour for the Deep Space 1 probe). The drive may propel spacecraft on deep space missions.Natural xenon is a mixture of nine isotopes, although 36 or more isotopes are known. Of the natural isotopes, eight are stable, which makes xenon the only element except for tin with more than seven stable natural isotopes. The most stable of xenons radioisotopes has a half-life of  2.11 sextillion years. Many of the radioisotopes are produced via the fission of uranium and plutonium.The radioactive isotope xenon-135 may be obtained by beta decay of iodine-135, which is formed by nuclear fission. Xenon-135 is used to absorb neutrons i n nuclear reactors. In addition to headlamps and ion drive engines, xenon is used for photographic flash lamps, bactericidal lamps (because it produces ultraviolet light), various lasers, moderate nuclear reactions, and motion picture projectors. Xenon can also be used as a general anesthetic gas.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

American Stories, 3rd edition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American Stories, 3rd edition - Assignment Example The Virginia Company founded Jamestown, the first English colony in North America, after receiving a charter from King James I in 1606. The settlers established the colony predominantly for economic reasons. On the contrary, religious separatists seeking autonomy from the Church of England founded Plymouth Colony. On the other hand,  Massachusetts Bay Colony  began as a commercial adventure in 1630. It  became home to many Puritans who abandoned England due to persecution from the Crown and the Anglican Church.1 Most people wanted to break free from the oppression of the Catholic and the Anglican Church. They desired to worship God in the way they found legitimate. The Puritans believed that the Anglican Church of England resembled the Catholic Church, hence wanted to purify it2. The Puritans were intolerant to those who refused their beliefs. On the contrary, the separatists  wanted to separate from the Anglican Church altogether. The religious differences thus caused them to diverge into different colonies. The initial settlers suffered from malaria and other diseases since it was founded near swampland. They also experienced internal strife and starvation. They relied heavily on supplies from the mother nation and  assistance  from Native Americans. Although its economy stabilized upon the successful cultivation of tobacco, it was destroyed during Bacon’s Rebellion of 1698. It had to struggle to rise again. Initially, Carolina colony was reminiscent of feudal kingdoms. Over time, it was popular for religious and political freedom. However, slavery was introduced since the proprietors had investments in the slave trade. While the labor forces of other colonies had indentured servants, the Carolinas embraced slavery. The Gullah people came about because of the transatlantic slave trade of the 17th and 18th centuries. They are descendants of the slaves from Sierra Leone, who worked on rice plantations in Georgia and South Carolina. They live in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Communication Ethics - Philosopher report - John Rawls Essay

Communication Ethics - Philosopher report - John Rawls - Essay Example Rawls was born in Baltimore, Maryland to William Lee Rawls and Anna Abell Stump. He spent his early childhood in Baltimore and went to school there before being transferred to Kent School. With his father a well-known lawyer and his mother a chapter president of the League of Women Voters, Rawls had a strong inclination towards education and it became evident that he would enter a scholarly field. Rawls first went to Princeton to study and after graduating in 1939 he became a member of The Ivy Club. At Princeton, he developed major interest for theology and its doctrines. In 1943, after completing a bachelor’s degree in Arts, he joined the Army. His had his first professorial responsibilities at Cornell and MIT. In 1962 he became a faculty member at Harvard, where his teaching tenure lasted for more than thirty years. With such a family background, Rawls’s adult life was a scholarly one with the major portion spent on his writings. However, during this period he also witnessed World War II and the Vietnam conflict which had a deep influence on him. During World War II, he was appointed as a soldier in the Pacific, where he visited Philippines, and Japan. After witnessing the effects of the nuclear bombings in Hiroshima, Rawls decided to quit the army in 1946. He had a strong faith in Christianity and wanted to study priesthood but, after witnessing Holocaust, his faith weakened. The Vietnam conflict compelled Rawls to identify the defects in the political system of US. He considered the war to be unjust and conveyed as to how citizens could have no say in the government’s aggressive policies. Rawls was married to Margaret Fox in 1949, who was a Brown University graduate. Rawls used Justice as Fairness as a phrase to refer to his theory of justice. It appeared as a title to one of his essays in 1958 on the same subject. The theory consists of two parts: Firstly, all

Monday, November 18, 2019

Qualitative Research Paper Critique Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Qualitative Critique - Research Paper Example onal Health (IHCAR), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm; and Department of Women and Child Health, Division of Reproductive and Perinatal Health Care, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden† (Maimbowla, Yamba, Diwan, & Ransjo-Arvidson, 2003, p. 263) The investigators identified the study approach through explicitly defining the aim and noting that the study would entail conducting interviews, observation and field notes under the portion of data collection (Maimbowla, Yamba, Diwan, & Ransjo-Arvidson, 2003, pp. 265-266). The authors used a straightforward and comprehensible language that assisted in presenting relevant concepts and expounding on the approach. Likewise, relevant terms were appropriate defined under a heading entitled ‘Definitions’ which came after the Data Collection portion (Maimbowla, Yamba, Diwan, & Ransjo-Arvidson, 2003, p. 266). To achieve the aim of exploring â€Å"cultural childbirth practices and beliefs in Zambia as related by women accompanying labouring women to maternity units† (Maimbowla, Yamba, Diwan, & Ransjo-Arvidson, 2003, p. 265), the data collection method (use of interviews, observation and field notes, as indicated) and the data analysis techniques (use of EPI-INFO software to interpret quantitative information and the use of content analysis for the qualitative interpretation) (Maimbowla, Yamba, Diwan, & Ransjo-Arvidson, 2003, p. 266) were appropriate. These approaches effectively evaluated the results and the design incorporated screening factors that could adversely affect the outcome. The significant or importance of the study was not explicitly stated but the portion which was presented as ‘What this paper adds’ (Maimbowla, Yamba, Diwan, & Ransjo-Arvidson, 2003, p. 272) as value added information. The study’s potential contribution to nursing included illuminating health care practitioners on the role of cultural practices and beliefs during the pregnancy period (from prenatal to antenatal) as influential to

Friday, November 15, 2019

History and Comparison of American Musicals

History and Comparison of American Musicals Utopia is an ideal world state where everything which happens is perfect and there are no negative emotions like sadness, anger or jealousy to exist in it. The world is perfect and has every situation resolved in the most enjoyable manner possible. Consciously, or unconsciously, the human mind strives towards perfection to create an ideal world- a utopia for itself. But, in real life, this is not possible and this leads to a multitude of emotions like sadness, disappointment, anger, etc. which is the opposite of what a person in utopia should feel like. To bring back this sense of utopia even temporarily, humans started projecting the carefully constructed ideal world through entertainment such as theatre, films, musicals etc. In this essay, I will compare the films Singing in the Rain by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen and Meet Me in St. Louis by Vincette Minnelli as examples of classic American musicals against Moulin Rouge and Romeo + Juliet by Baz Luhrmann as examples of contemporary American musicals on the basis of whether they satisfy the idea of musicals being a form of escape into utopianism. First, I will use Rick Altmans The American Film Musical, which has laid out quite a few criteria for a standard American musical to analyse these films and ensure they satisfy those criteria. Also, I will focus on Utopianism by using Richard Dyer, in Only Entertainment. Two of the taken-for-granted descriptions of entertainment, as escape and as wish-fulfilment, point to its central thrust, namely utopianism. (Dyer, Chapter 3, Pg. 18) By using entertainment, humans are able to escape to the realm of utopia but this realm is not produced by using models of utopian worlds, rather it is brought forth with feelings and emotions. Dyer claims that, It thus works at the level of sensibility, by which I mean an affective code that is characteristic of, and largely specific to, a given mode of cultural production. This code uses both representational and non-representational signs. (Dyer, Chapter 3, Pg. 18) Using Dyers words, I will also try to analyse the representational and non-representational signs of the films mentioned before. Meet me in St. Louis is an American musical which was released in 1944 with a fairly simple storyline which focusses on an upper middle class family with their four daughters and a son. It is based in St. Louis, Missouri in the year leading up to the 1904 Worlds Fair and goes through the struggles this family faces and how they overcome them together. The American film musical is known to have a dual focus narrative. As Altman says, in The American Film Musical, Instead of focussing all its interest on a single central character, following the trajectory of her progress, the American film musical has a dual focus, built around parallel stars of opposite sex and radically divergent values. This dual-focus structure requires the viewer to be sensitive not so much to chronology and progression- for the outcome of the male/female match is entirely conventional and thus quite predictable- but to simultaneity and comparison. (Altman, Chapter II, Pg. 19) Altman also says, Whereas the traditional approach to narrative assumes that structure grows out of plot, the dual-focus structure of the American film musical derives from character (Altman, Chapter II, Pg. 21) In Meet Me in St. Louis, there is a dual focus narrative. The plot revolves around the entire family, focussing mostly on Esther and her relationship and the news of the familys sudden move to New York. By subjecting these narratives to simultaneity and comparison, we can see that they are interdependent as the narrative of the family moving away threatens the newly found relationships of Esther and her other family members- Esther and John, Rose and Warren, the parents with their kids. Also, this is putting Esthers love for her family and her boyfriend against each other. As for structure deriving from character, the film is structured in a way that the character Esther and her conquest for her love occupies the first part of the film and this is followed up by the sudden announcement of her familys move to New York by her father. This is done to ensure the entertainment factor is still present by creating mild tension, as the primary goal is achieved and the viewers shouldnt lose i nterest. Singing in the Rain also adheres to the principle of dual narrative as there are different narratives or paths for both the male and female protagonists. The film portrays the struggle of American film studios and their transition from the silent films to the talkies. The male protagonist, Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), is a silent film actor with humble origins, who tries to survive and retain his place in the film industry during the transition. The female protagonist, Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds), is an aspiring stage actress who is used by Lina Lamont to be her voice backstage but she finally is given credit and her career flourishes. There are other side narratives which tie into the main narratives, the most noticeable one being the narrative of Lina Lamont, which serves the same purpose as the narrative of the family moving away to New York in Meet Me in St. Louis- to present a problem which when solved, strengthens the existing narratives, or give a neat conclusion to the narra tives. These two main narratives are intertwined simultaneously and highlights the contradictions between the already famous artist and the newly flourishing artist (Don Lockwood and Kathy Selden), fame and infamy (Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont), hate turned to love (in the case of Kathy Selden), etc. These contradictions are resolved by the main characters falling in love and this resolves or gives these characters the strength to resolve their conflicts. The structure is definitely derived from character, especially from Don Lockwood, whose narrative overshadows Kathy Seldens narrative. All the musical numbers focus on Lockwood and his emotions, or makes him the reason for the initiation of the song- as in the case of Cosmo Browns Make Em Laugh or the final musical number dubbed by Kathy Selden for Lina Lamont. Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet are both musicals directed by Baz Luhrmann and released in 2001 and 1996 respectively. they are both contemporary musicals and they follow the dual narrative path, focussing on the male and female protagonists and their narratives highlight the differences in their character such as freedom and confinement, love and money as in the case of Moulin Rouge! and love and hate, life and death as in the case of Romeo + Juliet. As for the structure of these two musicals- Moulin Rouge! focusses on Christians character as the musical starts and ends with him and he is the narrator of the events which unfold. Satines narrative is interwoven with Christians and her narrative is actually the cause for the beginning of Christians narrative, thereby forming a never-ending loop. In the case of Romeo + Juliet, it is a loose adaptation on the play by Shakespeare, using dialogues from the play itself. The narrative is driven by Romeos character but it is balanced out by Juliets narrative as well. All these four films can be classified as American film musicals albeit there are differences in the way utopia is portrayed by these films. The films Singing in the Rain and Meet Me in St. Louis bring about a utopia in terms of setting (representational) and feelings (non-representational) using various factors- one of them being the musical numbers. In Singing in the Rain, the world it has created is realistic as the film is based around the world of film and situated in the age of transition from silent films to talkies. The utopian element is brought forth by the numbers which provide another realm where the characters can be themselves and express their feelings without any complications. Dyer says, utopia is implicit in the world of the narrative and as well as in the world of numbers (Dyer, 1992). When a character breaks into song, as in the scene where Don Lockwood confesses his love to Kathy Selden (You were meant for me). Dyer says, We are moved by music, yet it has the least obvious reference to reality- the intensity of our response to it can only be accounted for by the way music, abstract, formal though it is, still embodies feeling. (Dyer, 1992). The confession scene is carefully constructed by Lockwood and narrated by him, which does make it seem realistic, unlike the other musical numbers, and this adds on to the intensity of feelings the song gives the audience. Intensity, according to Dyer, is the capacity of entertainment to present either complex or unpleasant feelings (e.g. involvement in personal or political events; jealousy, loss of love, defeat) in a way that makes them seem uncomplicated, direct and vivid, not qualified or ambiguous as day-to-day life makes them, and without imitations of self-deception and pretence. (Dyer, 1992) The orchestral non-diegetic music also adds on to the intensity as the two characters dance, with Lockwood encouraging Selden to dance with him and finally through the music, dance and lyrics, their mutual feelings for each other gets conveyed to each other. As the camera pans out at the end of the number, the utopian backdrop and the airy lights are accentuated, adding the final touches to the realistic utopia created by this number. Another scene charged with such feelings is Don Lockwoods Singing in the Rain, the title song. The realistic setting is done through the diegetic rain accompanying the entire song. The orchestral parts sometimes drown out the rains pitter-patter but it is still ever present in the background. The lively music and the dance of Lockwood transcends through to the audience and they are able to feel his emotions through this number. This utopian number comes to an end with the interruption of the police officer where Lockwood is brought back to the reality of his world. Meet Me in St. Louis also treats its musical numbers in a similar manner as escapes to utopia. But the setting is different, it is much less realistic than Singing in the Rain. It showcases a community where singing is common practice where everyone loves to sing or break into a musical number, which already makes it feel much more utopian than the other musical film. Altman says, The sequence of scenes is determined not out of plot necessity, but in response to a more fundamental need: the spectator must sense the eventual lovers as a couple even when they are not together, even before they have met. (Altman, 1987) This is true for Meet Me in St. Louis, as the musical number The Boy Next Door immediately puts both the protagonists together. As the film progresses, this utopian world created in the film is strengthened with feelings of love in the air, fun and mischief, and so on. Not much goes on with the main narrative of the film till Esthers father comes with the news which breaks their created utopia. Dyer says, In these films, the introduction of any real narrative concerns is usually considerably delayed and comes chiefly as a temporary threat to utopia- thus reversing the other two patterns, where the narrative predominates and the numbers function as temporary escapes from it. (Dyer, 1992) The musical numbers are light-hearted and chipper till the father announces his plans for the family. After the announcement, we have numbers such as You and I by the parents as a form of reconciliation- a place where mistakes are forgiven is created by the musical number (thereby reverting back to the original pattern of musical numbers providing escape), Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Esther as a consolation to Tootie- a place where hope is provided for the future, ensuring that everything will be alright. In these two films, the element of utopia is strong, one way or the other. It provides the so-called escape from reality, either through musical numbers as in the case of Singing in the Rain, or through narrative and numbers as in the case of Meet Me in St. Louis. But, like Dyer says, the idea of utopia through musicals and their numbers is applicable to these early American film musicals. The contemporary film musicals are a bit more complicated in that regard as the escape to utopia is not clearly defined. Moulin Rouge! is the film directed by Baz Luhrman, which is loosely based on the Greek myth of Orpheus. Its style and setting is highly fantastical, reinforcing the utopianism of the world. Pam Cook says, The heightened artificial world was projected as an illusion in which every detail was driven by the need to appear complete and plausible, but which audiences would perceive and enjoy as fiction (Cook, 2010) Just like how Christian saw the green fairy under the influence of absinthe, which later transmuted into a nightmarish hallucination that sucked Christian into the world of Moulin Rouge, though the setting and style is fantastical, the narrative of the film is not a utopian story. The main narrative focusses on Christian, a writer of the post 19th century suffering from depression.ÂÂ   Unlike other musicals which gives the audience a happy beginning and a happy ever after, the film starts with an ominous and melancholic tone, which confirms the female protagonists death early on in the film. This tragic revelation at the start hinders the utopian world the style and setting is trying to create.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Lamb and The Tiger by William Blake Essay -- Poet Poems William Bl

'The Lamb' and 'The Tiger' by William Blake Write about The Lamb and The Tiger by William Blake. Explain how the poet portrays these creatures and comment on what you consider to be the main ideas and attitudes of the poet. 'All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all.' Cecil Frances Alexander Indeed, God created all creatures great and small, and he could not have created two creatures more different from each other than the lamb and the tiger. The question arises in one's mind therefore: - 'Could one creator design and give life to two exhibits of such a vast contrast?' ====================================================================== William Blake certainly poses this question in a somewhat clever manner in the two examples of his work that I've analysed and compared, namely 'The Lamb' and 'The Tiger'. In the two collections of his work, namely Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, he has several contrasting poems that bring the two states of being described by both collections under the microscope. As one of the early Romance poets, Blake was writing in opposition to the rapidly changing, revolutionary eighteenth-century. Essentially, that opposition developed into an appreciation of the emotions, as opposed to reason ant intellect, and a recognition of the purity and innocence which childhood represents in contrast with the corruptions and in-authenticity of adulthood, with its learning and experience of life. The English Industrial Revolution played a very influential role in William Blake's work. Songs of Innocence includes a reversal of the expected 'hierarchies'. The poems reject t... ...ecessary self-knowledge. The Lamb develops into the Tiger - innocence is the price that must me paid to attain an identity in 'grown-up land'. It has to sacrifice its meek, mild, gentile innocence to become the Tiger of Experience prowling the 'dark forests' of life. In conclusion, I feel William Blake is attempting to transmit an important message: never mind how innocent we are during our naÃÆ'Â ¯ve, happy playground days, the big bad world is awaiting us all, and we have to stop resisting and accept that we're all going to develop into Tigers at some point - gaining our own unique symmetry in place of our soft, delightful, tender selves. Life past, present and future poses many questions - it's up to us to answer them, to discover our true identities, and to decide where exactly our faith lies. Innocence is the foundation upon which experience is built.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


It truly seems as though the days of having full privacy is over with the coming of these new leaks by Edward Snowden. The government has many borderline unethical powers that are Justified by terrorism today. But with our current status of technology being iPhones and iPads with all of our emails and data being stored ‘in the cloud,' is it a shock to think that somebody other than us could see it? Yes, Edward Snowden broke laws regarding disclosure of private government information and he should be punished for his actions, but couldn't we say the same about the government's use of our information?It seems that we take for granted our so-called privacy, but with this release of Snowden's it doesn't seem that we can have any privacy at all these days. My answer is yes, I do believe that the government has stepped its' bounds on spying on its own citizens. I understand that they do so for the sake of protecting us from terrorism and that is great, that's what they are there for. My concern is that when spying becomes anything more than protecting the people, it crosses the line of being ethical and that is not right.As I stated earlier I think Snowden deserves some ort of sentence because he crossed the line on disclosure of documents to the public. That is the law and it should be obeyed, whether it is right or wrong he broke the rules. I haven't changed my online habits to protect my information because I do believe it's too late, especially with the rise of social media. People now a day are so eager to put out information that in some cases should be kept to themselves on Facebook statuses and in emails. When it comes to my personal information I fear the government more than industry.We live in a time now that if something bad appens, whether it be a serious crime or attacks against our country, the government is able to access all the information about you ever on the internet. Do you remember everything you posted on Facebook or online? What if they find something taken completely out of context but use it against you in an indictment? I believe that the technology we have these days is amazing and we should keep innovating but I'm Just worried that the soon all of our information, whether it be personal or professional will be online and accessible by someone, somewhere at any time.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Analyzing a Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway Essay Example

Analyzing a Clean, Well Analyzing a Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway Paper Analyzing a Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway Paper and the waiters are about to close up only hindered by an old, deaf man, who is still sitting on the terrace drinking brandy. Obviously this particular old man comes there often, since the narrator tells the reader about the old mans bad habit of not paying for his drinks once he is drunk. Hemingway keeps emphasizing the shadows of the leaves of a tree (Hemingway 11) apparently standing either on or nearby the terrace. By doing that he separates the caf? © even more from its surrounding, thus highlighting it as some kind of illuminated haven within the darkness of the night. Since darkness and night always in a world of sinister and menacing loneliness. This picture is aided by the description of the tree that moved slightly in the wind (Hemingway 311) and thus creates a feeling of desperation. In this scenery the two waiters talk a bit while waiting for the old man to finish his drink and leave. At first they talk about the man imself. One waiter tells the other one about the suicide attempt of the old man from the week before. Cleverly Hemingway writes this first part of his story in a way that the reader will never know which waiter is the one telling and which is the one listening. Up to the point at which the old man changes the setting by calling for a waiter Hemingway lets the waiters appear to be equal and most of all equally unknown and plane in character. Then he distinguishes them by identifying one as younger than the other, creating a gap between them and establishing some kind of ierarchy between all three protagonists. All of a sudden there seems to be a constellation emerging to be depicting a conflict of generations. Despite the feeling from the beginning of the story that the old man is the main character, Hemingway now starts to deepen the characters of the waiters by switching from descriptive narration to descriptive dialogues leaving out the old man. Now the reader gets an impression of the younger waiter as being full of life, married, impatient and not emphatic, while the older waiter appears to be more demure and empathizing. As their dialogue goes on one could suspect that the older waiter told the younger one about the attempted suicide of the old man, whom they consider to be eighty something years old. By recognizing this, the older waiter becomes sort of a mediator between the old man with his experiences and feelings on the one hand and the younger waiter with his lack of comprehension for other people, especially elder ones, on the other hand by trying to explain the behavior of the old man to his colleague. Once the old man has left and the younger waiter has gone home too, the lder waiter heads for a bar to fght his apparently chronic insomnia and starts thinking about the old man. Hemingway illustrates that by switching again, this time from the descriptive dialogues to a stream of consciousness in which the older waiter contemplates the reasons of the old man to attempt suicide. He comes to the conclusion, that this man had nothing in his life anymore, Just a great, big, chaotic nothing, so the caf? © has become a place of life with a good lighting and tidiness as symbols of the order the old man misses so much in his personal life. Cynically the waiter begins to recite the Lords Prayer in his mind exchanging some words with the Spanish word nada which means nothing. Interestingly he also uses the term pues nada (Hemingway 313) which translates as well then indicating he is accepting the loneliness and nothingness he already feels in his own life Just as part of growing old. In the bar the barman asks for the waiters order which he answers with nada (Hemingway 313) as well, obviously messing around with his own thoughts. The barman, seemingly annoyed, responds with otro loco mas (Hemingway 313) eaning and another insane. The complete behavior of the barman even in response to the statement of the waiter about the unpolished bar aids the impression of the bar as a symbol of the despair of the world. In the end the waiter reflects the usual progress of his night convincing himself that the symptoms of loneliness in his own life are Just simple insomnia, ergo a disease pattern, which connects him with other into his story or is it Just a story? In fact I am convinced that Hemingway processed his own traumata and feelings of loneliness and despair in this short story. When he ublished it he had already been in one war including being wounded, got divorced, learned about his fathers suicide and suffered from a disease in Africa. So the old man in the story might be an allegory for Hemingways father while the story itself portrays his introversion and thus might be an early sign for his lethal depressions. Bennett, Warren. Character, Irony, and Resolution in A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. American Literature. Vol.. 42. Durham: Duke UP, 1970. 70-79. Print. The Manuscript and the Dialogue of A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. American Literature. vol.. 50. Durham: Duke up, 1979. 613-24. print. colburn, William E. confusion A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. College English. Vol.. 20. Millwood: Klaus Reprint, 1973. 241-42. print. Gabriel, Joseph F. The Logic of Confusion in Hemingways A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. College English. Vol.. 22. Millwood: Klaus Reprint, 1973. 539-46. Print. Hemingway, Ernest. A Clean, Well-Lighted Place. The First Forty-Nine Stories. London: Jonathan Cape, 1968. 311-14. Print. MacGowan, Cristopher. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961). The Twentieth-Century American Fiction Handbook. Ames: Wiley-Blac kwell, 2011. 91-95. Print.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

World Tourism Organization Essay Example

World Tourism Organization Essay Example World Tourism Organization Essay World Tourism Organization Essay boring Slide 1 5 On foot Advantages: meeting new friends and animals, opening new places Disadvantages: slow, dangerous Slide 16 Now you have a chance to travel to any place. Slide 17 There are a lot of places of interest in our world and many beautiful countries. Slide 18 Paris Paris is a particular city of France; its the capital of France, European fashion, art, city of unique people. Among its places worth sightseeing are Eiffel tower the cathedral of the Notre Dame, Louver. Louver is the museum of worlds art, which is visited by each traveller. French Kitchen is also famous and nobody will deny to dine t a small restaurant when essence of love is dissolved in peaceful evening air. Slide 20 Washington, D. C. is one of the most famous capitals in the world. Its known for its state buildings, the White House, US capitol, the Supreme Court building are among them, for plenty of memorials and museums dedicated to American heroes of the past. Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington memorials are great examples of warm feelings of Americans towards their heroes. Slide 22 One of the worlds great cities, Moscow is the capital of Russia. Since it was first mentioned in chronicles of 1147, Moscow has played a vital role in Russian history. Today Moscow is not only the political centre of Russia but also the countrys leading city in population, in industrial output, and in cultural, scientific, and educational importance. For more than 600 years Moscow has been the spiritual centre of the Russian Orthodox Church. Slide 24 Holidays Summer Winter Slide 25 Many people travel during holidays especially in summer. Some people enjoy spending their holidays in winter countries because they like frosty weather and enjoy winter sports. Slide 26 Norway France Winter sports were largely invented by the British leisured classes, nitially at the Swiss village of Zermatt (Valais), and St Moritz in 1864. The first packaged winter sports holidays took place in 1902 at Adelboden, Switzerland. Winter sports were a natural answer for a leisured class looking for amusement during the coldest season. Finland Austria Italy Russia Sweden Slide 27 Winter sports and activities Slide 28 Summer holidays All the people enjoy summer holidays very much. It is a great pleasure to have a rest after the whole year of hard work or study. People like to travel during their summer holidays. Some people go abroad to see new countries, ome people prefer to go to the country-side to enjoy country-life far from noise and fuss of big cities. Egypt Spain Turkey France Italy Greece Slide 29 Slide 32 Famous travellers Ferdinand Magellan Christopher Columbus Roald Amundsen Georgiy Ushakov Nikolay PrJevalskiy Slide 33 Fyodor Konyukhov The world-famous Russian traveller Fyodor Konyukhov was born and grew up on the Azov Sea. Finishing school he sailed on fishing trawlers, swam in the cool winter sea, slept on nails, made 100-kilometre runs a day, drank seawater and crossed the Azov Sea in a rowing boat. Entering a seminary in St. Petersburg Fyodor never finished his studies. One day the rector called him into his office and said, mfou love life too much. Go, live with the people He made four circumnavigations and crossed the Atlantic fourteen times. Fyodor is the first and so far the only person in the world to have reached the five extreme Poles of the planet. His name was entered into the encyclopedia Chronicle of Mankind. By the age of fifty he had made more than forty unique trips and climbs expressing his vision of the world in paintings and books. As a religious man, Fyodor Konyukhov agrees that the meaning of life of an Orthodox believer is to seek Gods grace, to learn what God as in store for one and to live ones life in keeping with Gods commandments, preparing for eternity. But when asked why risking life was so often? Fyodor says: Because suffering is the only way you can see the Lord. Slide 34 Ellen MacArthur The world record breaking solo round-the-world voyage by Ellen MacArthur has propelled her to the status of greatest sporting hero. MacArthurs fantastic voyage has marked the spirits of sailing fans around the world and has even succeeded in increasing the overall popularity of sailing. This is not only due to the feat itself, but largely because of exceptional media coverage. Only a handful of skippers had ever sailed a mu ltihull solo around the world and only two previously managed it non-stop Ellen was taking on a huge challenge. The live coverage of this event, as well as faultless support would be crucial. Offshore Challenges Sailing Team is at the leading edge of communications technology and OC Technology, part of the OC Group, created the all-Sony based onboard media system. This relied on 12 Sony cameras and microphones that could all be operated from down below via a simple switching box, and video compression/transmission and video conferencing that elped put the story on national news during the attempt. Three Sony VAIO Centrino- based notebooks were instrumental to navigation, video and still picture editing and communications. According to MacArthur, the VAIOs worked without a hitch: They all worked perfectly throughout the voyage, she says, and I never had a single problem with them. Slide 35 Questions Do you enjoy holidays? Would you like to find new places in the world? Do you admire any famous traveller? How long does it take a modern traveller to sail round the world? How long does it take to cross the Atlantic in a row boat? How does it feel to face a storming ocean? And what new challenges can nature offer to an adventurer who has already seen it all? Slide 36 Get ready for adventures! So are you ready to have an adventure? Are you ready to discover the deepest Jungle or to sail the dead calm waters of the Pacific? Do you want to hear how the wolves howl and be blinded by the white Arctic desert? Or do you want to see where the sirens sing, dance in the fields of coral? Whatever you To conclude I would like to say that everybody enjoys travelling and I think there are a lot of unknown places which we should make known.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Large Corporations managing change,internal change drivers and Research Paper - 1

Large Corporations managing change,internal change drivers and catalysts - Research Paper Example In the organizational context researchers define change as â€Å"necessary way of life in most organizations†1. Again, some other researchers have defined organizational change as â€Å"a relatively enduring alteration of the present state of an organization or its components or interrelationships amongst the component and their differential and integral functions, in totality, in order to attain greater feasibility in the framework of the current and future environment†2. The present study intends to investigate the reasons that compel firms to change, and how companies manage the change process. In this regard, the role of internal change drivers and catalysts is vital. Mills and Mills write in their book Understanding Organizational Change that the operations of a company as well as other organizations are affected by a variety to environmental factors such as leadership change, mergers and acquisitions, downsizing, introduction of new products, industrial disputes, political and legal climate, changing consumer preferences and technology3. Change is the only thing constant in the environment and is taking place every day. However, when we refer to organizational change, we are specifically referring to change that has significant impact how employees think about their organization and the changes they need to make in their work to cope with it. Organizational Change is thus referred to as a change in the core aspect of a company’s operations. It has been determined with the previous discussion that for organizations change is not merely inevitable but to a great extent essential for survival. However this does not automatically imply that people would be readily accepting the change. The truth is that changing an established behavior makes people uncomfortable, and the result is resistance4. Implementing change is a very challenging task. The unfamiliar makes the employees suspicious; it is their natural concern

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Importance of Coffee in the Brazilian Economy Essay

The Importance of Coffee in the Brazilian Economy - Essay Example This paper demonstrates the importance of coffee production in the economy of Brazil. There is two figures in the essay which graphically illustrates the production of coffee over the recent years. Brazil is not only the largest producer of coffee and produces an estimated one third of world’s total coffee produce, and is also the world’s second largest consumer of coffee behind USA. Coffee is a key ingredient of the economy of the country on three main counts – a key economic activity contributing to the GDP, a major export item, and an important industry for employment. Agriculture accounts for 36% of Brazil’s exports, with coffee being the biggest exported agricultural item at $4.7 billion, by value. Coffee contributes to 0.27% of the total economy in Brazil and 2.1% of total exports. Brazil has 2.1 million hectares of land under coffee cultivation (ICO) with an estimated 350,000 producers spread through 14 states, and 160 firms exporting coffee. The production and processing of coffee is highly labor intensive industry and the coffee industry provides direct and indirect employment to nearly 8.5 million people in Brazil. This translates to almost 5% of the total population working in the coffee industry in Brazil. Historically, coffee has been an important component of the economy in Brazil. Brazil was the largest producer of coffee in the world and it accounted for 75% of Brazil’s total exports. Although this weight has reduced significantly over time, the contribution of coffee to the economy is still significant. In the 1990s, coffee was a key pillar of the economy in Brazil by supporting it in four ways – contribution to the economic activity, contribution to exports thereby increasing the foreign reserves, contribution to employment, and a key area of foreign investment. The coffee market was under government control until the 1990s, when the government decided to convert it to free market. This led to a lot of foreign investment in the sector and therefore helped the economy build its foreign reserves. The production and export trend of coffee is shown in Figure 1 below. It is evident that the coffee production overall has been increasing over the years. Also, the exports of coffee have been increasing constantly in accordance with the production. The peak production reached was in 2002 when it reached 2.65 million metric tons (MMT). However, although the coffee exports have been generally increasing, the weight of coffee in exports (by value) has been generally decreasing over the years, and over the last few years has stabilized at 2.1%. This is evident in Figure 2 where it is seen that the weight of coffee in exports has continuously reduced from a peak of 5.2% in 1997 to 1.8% in 2004 where after it has almost stabilized to 2.1%. Coffee is clearly a key part of the Brazilian economy - it forms a large part of the agricultural produce of the country and is a major export item for Brazil. It provides employment to nearly 5% of the Brazilian population and has historically been an important driver for foreign investments. Over the years, its relative weight in exports has been decreasing indicating that the dependence of the Brazilian economy on coffee is decreasing slowly; however, coffee still continues

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner - Essay Example "When one lives his/her life in the public eye it is often difficult to live up to everyone's expectations. These repressions often lead these people to use radical methods to fulfill their own needs." (Critical Essay). Thus, the short story by Faulkner portrays the idea that society's view on a 'celebrity' cannot only be powerful but also destructive and urges the readers not to depend too much on the public perspectives on personal lives as well as not to live according to the expectations of others. In the short story "A Rose for Emily", Miss Emily Grierson is presented as the socialite of her town and she naturally has an important social status or reputation she has to withhold. One of the main themes of the story is the effect of society on one's personal life and the story of Emily Grierson illustrates how people are made to use radical methods to fulfill their own needs in a society which expects its members to live according to a particular way. Emily in the story represents her family name as well as the people of her town and she was greatly a dominant figure in the society. ... uty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town, dating from that day in 1894 when Colonel Sartoris, the mayor--he who fathered the edict that no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron--remitted her taxes, the dispensation dating from the death of her father on into perpetuity." (Faulkner, 2003, p. 392). Therefore, the society expects the main character to live according to a particular way which has been set by the tradition and the main reason for her mental torment has been her adjustment to the norms of social life. It is most fundamental, in a close reading of "A Rose for Emily", to realize that Faulkner describes a mental illness in the protagonist, i.e. necrophilia, which may be comprehended as an abnormal and excessive love for a dead human body. Psychologists explain that it is caused by a cumulative lack of love from one's family or community. "One of Faulkner's greatest stories, "A Rose for Emily" is a brilliantly wrought, emotionally charged, haunting portrait of the Southern psyche - a psyche tormented by conflicting feelings, impulses, and needs. It is the first story to deal with the village of Jefferson and its community." (Volpe, 2004, p. 98). In the story, Emily, the main character, murders Humor, the only man whom she had ever loved. In fact, the story deals mainly with the psyche of the main character who is conflicted by conflicting feelings, impulses, and needs, and the author is concerned with the relationship between individuals and community. ""A Rose for Emily" has two majo r characters: Emily Grierson and the community. They are complementary rather than antagonistic characters; Emily's personal history mirrors the community's collective history Faulkner portrays Emily with sufficient psychological realism to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Blitz Spirit Essay Example for Free

Blitz Spirit Essay In this essay I will be arguing whether there was really a supposed blitz spirit in Britain during the war with Germany with Hitler the chancellor. The themes I will be focusing on throughout the essay and referring back to are; fear, tendency for victory, and abandonment. Firstly, starting off with a major for the argument. An extract from a letter from Humphrey Jennings to his wife in October 1940 explains how whilst living in London he saw the courage and joy from the British people at the darkest times and how every-one co-operated with each other. â€Å"What warmth – what courage! What determination. † He goes on t saying â€Å"Everyone secretly delighted with the privilege of holding up Hitler. Certain of beating him. † . which also tells us that first and foremost the morale of the public was high also that proud confident in themselves. This extract is focused on the theme of tendency for victory because they were certain of beating Hitler. However; this evidence might not be useful because even though it has come from a primary source, it was probably written in effort to comfort his wife with lies to ensure she isnt worried about him due to the situation in Britain. Although due to the time written, it could be deemed useful. Secondly a photograph taken early one morning after a raid in October 1940 shows a neat and well dressed milkman walking over the rubble and debris of the bombed buildings carrying milk. Which shows that the British kept their morale high (similar to previous) and continued on with their lives, no matter whatever the consequences. This extract is focused on tendency for victory aswell because they continued on working, even small jobs because ever little could make the difference was their thoughts. However this Evidence might not be useful because since the street was empty (as the shoot was scheduled early in the morning) we couldnt see anyone else apart from the milkman, hiding the others emotions, for all we know every-one couldve been depressed and slouching off. Also even-though the evidence came from a primary source; it couldve just been the Government motivating the country. But overall I think it might be useless. Onto the against for the argument. Firstly an account of life during a period of heavy air raids, written by Alice Bridges who lived in Birmingham explains how everyone had a fearful attitude â€Å"Will it be my turn next? † which tells us that they were afraid of the dominant Germans and didnt find the help of Britain enough. The theme of this extract is focused on fear, because they were afraid. This evidence is useful because not only does it come from a primary source but from a normal experienced citizen during the raids also has no reason to lie. Although there arent many reasons as to why this could not be useful but Alice Bridges couldve exaggerated the raids to seem better. But overall I think it might useful. Secondly a supposed Liverpool familys experience explains how they were left homeless for six months due to a heavy raid to the buildings whilst in the shelter. â€Å"We had nowhere to live except the shelter, and that was to be our home for six months. † Which tells us that there wasn’t much support and joy as they sound depressed and disappointed due to the lack of support either by others or the government? The theme of this extract focuses on abandonment because the government didnt help them, either by relocating or covering expenses. This evidence is useful because not only does it come from a primary source but from a normal experienced family during the raids also has no reason to lie. Although there arent many reasons as to why this could not be useful but the family couldve disclosed the support from others or the government to seem better. Although overall I think it might be useful. In conclusion I think there wasnt a blitz spirit due to the fact that the differences between the ‘for’ and ‘against’ sources aimed towards against as all the sources were at the time, whereas the for sources were either secondary sources published after the raid or just the government hypnotizing the public again.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Beauty :: essays research papers

Beauty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Summary of The Biology of Beauty   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many articles are written by modern psychologists and psychoanalysts that stress the importance of beauty in human and animal breeding as well as survival. One such article The Biology of Beauty suggests this importance and backs it up with many facts and figures as well as surveys on normal people. The article states many theories and hypotheses and also tries to explain why beauty plays such an important role in sexuality and power. What is beauty? According to this article, beauty is a combination of symmetry, special qualities, and traits.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Symmetry is perhaps the most supported part of beauty in this article. The article states that symmetry shows abundance of sexual hormones, health, and strength of the immune system. They support their hypothesis of symmetry's affect on the abundance of sexual hormones with various scientific evidence. Two psychologists, Steven Gangestead and Randy Thornhill measured the symmetry of hundreds of men and women in college. They also asked them to complete a personal confidential survey that gave information on their health and sex lives. What they found was that the men and women with better symmetry had started having sex 3-4 years before the people with average symmetry. Gangestead and Thornhill also completed another survey involving women's responses to symmetrical men and men with average symmetry. The results were as expected. The women with symmetrical partners responded twice as much compared to the women with men having average symmetry. The rate of contraception was also much higher. Animals are much more severe in their choosing. Female penguins won't accept males who aren't plump and symmetrical, and female scorpion flies only accept males with symmetrical wings, as they are better at hunting and protecting. Also, less symmetrical men and women surveyed had more ailments and more frequent accounts of illnesses compared to symmetrical men and women who were overall much healthier.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Special qualities also play a role in beauty. A person with normal features is not considered as beautiful as one with a few outstanding features. New Mexico State University's Victor Johnston conducted a computer survey called FacePrints in which participants of all ages and ethnic groups were asked to give their accounts of a perfect face into the computer. What they came up with was very surprising. Instead of selecting a female with average facial features, the men leaned toward a girlish face consisting of many outstanding features. Their ideal face consisted of a small chin and jaws as well as large eyes and luscious lips. Women value the opposite of the face constructed by men: a face consisting of a strong jaw and chin, prominent

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Strengths of Black Families Essay -- essays research papers

Strengths of Black Families   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The African-American family is defined as networks of households related by blood, marriage, or function that provide basic instrumental and expressive functions of the family to the members of those networks (Hill, 1999). It is one of the strongest institutions throughout history, and still today. Family strengths are considered to be cultural assets that are transmitted through socialization from generation to generation and not merely adaptations or coping responses to contemporary racial or economic oppression (McDaniel 1994; Hill 1999). This definition is contrary to the belief that the Black family is an adaptation to harsh conditions, instead of an ongoing establishment. Hill (1999) discusses some of the qualities as effective for the survival of black families: strong achievement and work orientation, flexible family roles and strong kinship bonds, and strong religious orientation. These strengths, along with others can be emphasized in schools and used to motivate African-American students to succeed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Contrary to what many people may believe, African-Americans have a strong motivation towards achieving. From the parents to the children, there is a strong orientation for wanting to learn and get ahead. Research has shown that black children have educational and occupational aspirations that are often equal to, and sometimes higher, than white children (Stevenson et al. 1990; Winfield 1991b; Hill 1999). African-American paren...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysis using Porter’s five forces model in Marketing

On analyzing the case we will seek to look at two relevant barriers to entry; namely, product differentiation and economies of scale. The economy of scale refers to the decline per unit in product cost as the volume of production increases. Levi’s could have exploited opportunities to outsource their production facilities where labour is cheaper, in order to mass produce and have a cost advantages. Volumes of jeans have been produced in this market because other labels such as Arizona Jeans have exploited the opportunity. If they exploit the opportunity it means that they could produce for less and sell at a higher cost to their profitability. The Levi’s brand has product differentiation because there is a history of brand loyalty; the product carries enough clout to justify a reasonable price premium. They had embarked on a project to create a niche market to attract higher income customers who were willing to pay a premium for a perfect fit. In this case the threat would be brand loyalty because there are a lot of producers of jeans. Threat of Rivalry Threat of rivalry includes all distributors and stores that sell jeans. Example of stores is the likes of JC Penny stores who were once a business alliance, they have sought out cheaper alternatives such as the Arizona brand of jeans and have become their competitor; there is also Gap, Lee and Wrangler. Each of these brands has their own market or customer base. With all of these competitors in the market there is likely competitive pricing for the product. Threat of Substitutes There are other forms of clothing that can substitute for jeans example cotton, linen and other forms of material that makes clothing. In this case though Levi’s has created a â€Å"personal pair for a perfect fit† this proposal has created the niche market for Levi’s through a jeans customization program with their strategic alliance partner Technology Corporation. With this partner they will be able to achieve a competitive advantage. Threat of Suppliers Threat of suppliers all depends on the amount of raw materials. Since Levi’s now has a strategic partner, Technology Corporation they are the ones who take the orders and manufactures the customized jeans at their location. The threat is that they have to rely on another organization to complete the process at a separate location. The benefit though is that this company is a joint venture where each partner has a vested interest in the success of the business thus minimizing risks. However; on the other hand the partner may decide to cheat if they see a more valuable venture for themselves in starting their own line of business. There is also the threat of an increase salary and benefit for employees as well as retention of trained personnel in the area of sales and manufacturing. Threat of Buyers Threat of buyers relies on the marketing of the brand. If Levi’s has a good marketing strategy then customers and suppliers are more likely to purchase their goods. The company has begun to engage in a joint venture with another company therefore once they start receiving orders they will be able to meet the demand to supply stores and retail customers alike. According to the case, the brand Levi is one of the most recognizable brands worldwide since the 1950’s. The jeans had established a political and ashion statement as an American icon. Levi’s has become synonymous with the term â€Å"authentic,† â€Å"genuine,† and â€Å"original. † They are the largest brand-apparel company in the world and the number one purveyor of blue jeans. Levi’s has an image of quality and durability. The image of the company is valuable and rare. Perhaps no other firm has been able to duplicate the Levi brand and the firm uses this image to their competitive advantage as not many firms are able to imitate that image. Despite competetition from low cost rivals who are able to produce more cheaply at overseas facilities, Levi has organized its cost structure and business by using technology and joint venture to their advantage. They have established value creating activities by way of market revitalization and have established a corporate reputation, established links with their suppliers and buyers and invested in high technological equipment and information support systems.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Gilman

The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Gilman Introduction ‘The yellow wallpaper’ by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Gwynn is an intriguing story of a sick woman, Charlotte Perkins, confined in a room for treatment by her husband, a physician.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Gilman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Charlotte is suffering from neurasthenia. Cared by his overprotective physician husband, but instead treats the care and concern as unfair for confinement and a twenty-four hours bed rest prescription. Charlotte sickness makes her realize that nobody can listen to her ideas; she resorts to write secretly in her daily journals as a way of expressing her compliments to somebody. On few occasions is she allowed visiting other people, in fact those she visits are her husband’s suggestion, who are normally usual close family relatives, those she suggests her husband turns them down. There is a clear misundersta nding on care, love and concern between the patient and the physician. The Yellow Wallpaper Persuasion Essay The fact that the patient is the physician’s wife ought to portray a picture of mutual agreements and understandings rather than subjecting ones decision to the other with a reason for care and protection. A small inclination to the husband’s decisions is better, but a usual put off to charlotte’s ideas causes misunderstanding. However, she pursues on the wallpaper finding to get a clear clue of what is affecting them all, especially her husband the sister in law. With the nervous breakdown all the ideas and suggestions that charlotte comes up with, with a view of positive response are against his husband’s final decision â€Å"†¦. there is something strange about the house I can feel it. I even said so to John one †¦.but he said what I felt was a draught, and †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Gilman, 2001, p.2). The husband is thinking out of prejudice, which is the real cause of misunderstandings in the context. Although the misunderstandings brought about by the idea that she might be suffering from brain disorders it does not really mean that she is wrong all the time. She gives a comment that even the reader succumbs to when she says, â€Å"Personally, I disagree with their ideas. Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change, would do me good† (Gilman, 2001, p.1). With such a sickness one can show care by undertaking congenial work with the patient but the husbands sees it as very wrong. The physician portrayed with a domineering character has shown negligence to her wife psychological support. This is from the misinformation of how sick Charlotte is. She believes that she is not very sick. Yet, her husband knows she is in a critical condition that does not allow her to think or give compliments â€Å"†¦ but John says the very worst thing I can do is to think about my condition, and I conf ess it always makes me feel bad† (Gilman, 2001, p.1).Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The misunderstanding is portrayed again when Charlotte is awake all night long. Her husband does not talk to her in most of the times, he thinks she will be stressed and worsen her situation. On the other hand, Charlotte has always longed for days when they will have some nice talks and discussions with her husband. When she tries to bring up a topic to shift houses she is put off with an excuse that it was not time for such a discussion. She goes back to bed but does not sleep, rather just stares at the moonlight (Gilman, 2001, p.8). Symbolism Gilman has given well-elaborated insights on the meaning of the Yellow Wall Paper. â€Å"She has done this in a slow yet steady pace to release the metaphors that are a clue to the Yellow Wall Paper as a symbol of her husband’ s authority and dominance† (Gwynn Zani, 2007, p.71). It just begins with the main character’s fascination of the ugliness of the Yellow Wall Paper. The use of imagery has been well tuned to bring out the aspect that is feminism. While one might argue that too much use of this has made the story complex and hard to understand, it has helped bring home the intended agenda. â€Å"One of the images found in the paper tends to change with different lighting† (Gwynn Zani, 2007, p.71). This is meant to depict her husband as inconsistent in handling matters especially those that directly affect her. Conclusion The plot and characters in the story confirm that the misunderstanding is caused by misinformation of the patient’s real status and fear of his attention to involve her in anything other than the treatment. No wonder Charlotte goes after her pursuit secretly, to get the creeping woman, if she attempted to reveal to anyone then she could not realize it. She even keeps her daily journal secretly for the same reason. The use of the first person narration has worked well in bringing home the main theme as it evokes the reader’s emotions to empathize the thesis; the husband’s love misunderstood for confinement in the room and care misunderstood for deterrence from involvement in other activities and thoughts that may worsen the condition. References Gilman, C. (2001). The Yellow Wall-paper. Ragged edge Online. Retrieved from Gwynn, R.S., Zani, S.J. (2007). Inside literature: Reading, responding, arguing. New York: Pearson Longman.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Gilman specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More