Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Ethical Debate Concerning Cloning Essay - 6336 Words

The Ethical Debate Concerning Cloning In the year that has elapsed since the announcement of Dollys birth, there has been much discussion of the ethical implications of cloning humans. Although the simple use of the word clone may have negative connotations, many people have resigned themselves to the idea of cloning cows that produce more milk or using a cloned mouse for use in controlled experimentation. However, the idea of cloning humans is a highly charged topic. Several authors have attempted to outline some of the ethical objections to cloning while at the same time minimizing the role religion plays in this debate. The objections posed by†¦show more content†¦A second argument for cloning starts with the idea of reproductive rights. This liberal view holds that every individual is entitled to the right to have a child as long as the child born is unharmed. Some philosophers point out that when talking about rights it is necessary to discern from whom these rights should come. This question is difficult to answer because it either assumes natural, God-given rights or requires that the state ensure the right to reproduce or both. A third view says that cloning will provide for the possibility of improvement by giving birth to children who are free of birth defects, because when any two people create a child through sex there is the possibility for genetic defects. However, since clones are the exact replicas of someone already alive, their genetic dispositions will have already surfaced. Kass response is these three contexts are that they are all too passive. They ignore the value of the process of bringing forth new life and look at the question in terms of results and rights. He claims that we should look at this question from the anthropologic perspective that the meaning behind the process of having a child is whats important. With many of the reproductive biotechnologies now accepted by a large portion of society, we tend to forget that there is only oneShow MoreRelatedPersonhood: the Central Question in Medical Ethics1219 Words   |  5 Pagescentral debate in the ethics of medicine: What constitutes a person? Does the level of brain activity characterize an individual as a person? Is a persons body simply â€Å"on loan from the biomass†? The answers to these questions determine the outcome of every medical decision from Abortion to Euthanasia. An analysis of the main arguments arising in these controversial issues will serve to illustrate this po int. The idea of personhood is readily apparent in the ethical debate concerning AbortionRead More Embryonic Wars Essay1634 Words   |  7 Pagesto clarify and summarise the controversial debate concerning the ethical decency of embryonic cloning for therapeutic purposes. This is the form of cloning that is supposedly beneficial to a barrage of medical applications. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Discussion. General Conclusions. Our Study Focused On Whether

Discussion General Conclusions Our study focused on whether the gender of the author and emotionality of social media posts influences people to perceive the author on how masculine, feminine, and likable they are. We mainly wanted to target males because of the stereotype that they should not express emotionality and if they do, they are perceived as â€Å"girly.† Our hypotheses for the interactions were as follows: males who write emotional newsfeeds on social media will be perceived as less masculine than females; females who write emotional newsfeeds on social media will be perceived more feminine than males; males who write emotional newsfeeds on social media will be perceived as less likable than females. From this study none of our†¦show more content†¦Since only one of our post talked about career, that may have impacted some of the participants’ view in how they should perceive them. Limitations With any study, there are limitations that are not counted for in the study, which may result unfavorably. Because we found no significance in all but one hypotheses, many factors may be contributed. Participants. Overall, our study was limited in its sample size and diversity of participants. The vast majority of the participants were of 18-24 age range and of white race who were women. Because of this, these results cannot be generalized to the population. This could be fixed by increasing the sample size and distributing the survey everywhere, such as social media, emails to other schools, etc. Also, unmotivated participants who answered neutral for many items on the scales, did not give us significant results. Therefore, removing the neutral option in both scales may lead to significant results, by forcing the participant to go one way or the other. Newsfeed. The newsfeed consisted of four posts: two neutrals, one positive, and one negative. Since the neutral posts remained the same, the only posts that were changed were the positive and negative posts. By only providing four posts to base perceived masculinity and femininity, and likability of the author, it did not influence the participant to perceive the author differently. Therefore, adding more posts may lead to significant results. AnotherShow MoreRelatedThemes Of Homelessness992 Words   |  4 Pagesat the age of 15† or ongoing trauma that is creating problems for them during their time being homeless articulated in the case of Lauren â€Å" He would bash me in front of his mates. He was a speed (amphetamines) user, and I began injecting too†. Discussion Homelessness is a difficult process which affects many people across a diverse background, the common themes for those who have experienced homelessness are Mental health issues drug use, abusive relations hips and economic hardship. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Battle of Mexico City Free Essays

It is my opinion that the Mexican America war was one of the major factors that led to the Civil War. The war was fought as part of the Manifest Destiny mindset of the times, which led to infighting among the states. This infighting concerned whether or not the new states that were being formed would be slave states or free states. We will write a custom essay sample on The Battle of Mexico City or any similar topic only for you Order Now This struggle for a balance of power eventually set off the Civil War and succeeded in tearing our nation apart. I feel this caused more damage than Santa Anna could have ever imagined. Conclusion The effect of the Mexican American war is felt to this day in the United States. The Battle of Mexico city was a decisive battle in winning this war. This paper shows that the internal battles it set off were far mor long reaching than the arm of Manifest Destiny. References Bauer, K. Jack. The Mexican War, 1846-1848 (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co. , 1974). How to cite The Battle of Mexico City, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

International Journal Hospitality Management-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The International Journal Hospitality Management? Answer: Introducation It is mandatory for an organization to select the adequate market and entry mode to introduce themselves to the customers in the global world. Target market helps the organization to attract the correct customers for their product. It helps them to select the type of customers they want for their product. Entry mode helps the organization to enter in the new surrounding efficiently, it also helps the organization reduces the risk and gain the customers of the market. Further, the companies who achieved competitive advantage by using these strategies are: Apple Inc. Apple Inc. is an international company famous for manufacturing products like iPhone, iPod, MacBook etc. The products of Apple are sold worldwide through retail, online, and direct stores. The company is excelling the market and gaining maximum customer satisfaction due to which the growth of the company is initiated in the market. As it is known, Apple products are considered most efficient products in the market to which the customers focus on repurchasing the Apple brand products only. The market strategy of apple helps the organization in gaining the competitive in the market (Dinnie 2015). Talking about the market strategy of the organization, the company proficiently targeted the right customers for their product who will create actual sales. Apple is regarded to be the most premium brand in the electronic software industry. Thus, the company initiated to target rich and upper-class customers who will actually buy the products of the organization. The company aimed high to target the customers who can purchase their premium brand and they also created product differentiation by introducing efficiency technology in it. This activity identified the product in the market due to which the tech-savvy customers of the organization interest was gained by the organization (De Mooij 2013). Thus, these customers became the fixed customers for the organization. The process through which the company grew in the global market is not that they serve premium products, but the reason behind the competitive advantage is that the customers of the organization are the static customers o f the organization who initiate repeated sales. Once a person uses the Apple brand product, they further use the same company products only for the rest of their lives. This is the main factor of growth of the organization (Verbeke 2013). Supposing if the company targeted the customers of middle or low class, then Apple wouldn't have a sustainable growth I the market because company placed the right product in the wrong market. This will initiate good returns for the operations resulting in negative growth of the organization. Further, Apple Inc. gained the market capitalization in the global business context by entering in al market by incensing their products. The International licensing agreement refers to the agreement which enables the foreign country firms to manufacture the products of the proprietors firm and sell them in their local target market (Brouthers 2013). As the name of the company Apple is already established in the market, resulting to which it was easy for the company to enter in any international target market. Further, it issued the license to the manufacturing company prevailing in the market which they are targeting for the production of the apple company products in their company. Thus, it process helped the company to expand their customer base in the international market. The manufacturing company also gets the right to access the patent and trademark of the apple company. So, knowing the fact that the company already has an efficiency brand image in the global market, thus, the premium customers the market gets attracted and sale process is initiated (Ang, Benischke, and Doh 2015). Mercedes Mercedes is an automobile multinational brand based in Germany. The manufacturer of the company Daimler AG produces luxurious automobile such as buses, cars, trucks etc. The company is world's one of the biggest brand selling best luxurious cars to the customers situated everywhere is in the world. Talking about the competitive advantage which the company Mercedes receives is that due to having an extended customer base and brand image in the market the company enjoys competences. Further, some of the activities which the company initiated in their management process helped them to achieve this position in the market. Like, the company aptly selected the right people to target in the market. The strategy of Mercedes behind market segmentation was that they wanted to create product differentiation, resulting to which the management divided the target market on the basis of four smaller segments that are; geographic, demographic, physiographic, and on the basis of the behavior of consumers (Amos 2016). Further, as the company wanted to create product differentiation in the market, resulting in which the company targets the upper-class customers in the market who prefer luxury at any cost. Also, the people having a special interest in cars were target by the company, looking at the consumer behavior the company launched the S-class which became highly famous as it benefitted the customers with the satisfaction which they want to gain by using the product. Thus, due to adequate market selection, the company gained their current position in the market. The company emphasized majorly on the design and s pecifications of the product, due to which the company became a rich brand and target the rich customers only (beda-Garca, et. al., 2014). The company Mercedes does not believe in franchising their products from other entrepreneurs in the global market, instead, they aim to provide efficient products to each and every customer of the company. Thus, the company uses the green Field strategy to introduce themselves in the global market. This strategy helps the company to manufacture their product themselves and reduce complaints of clients. This process also helps the company Mercedes to control the operation and initiate activities under the surveillance of the management. Entry timing also strategically assist the company in gaining the competitive advantage in the market (Garca-Lillo, beda-Garca, and Marco-Lajara 2017). The company Mercedes initiated the business process with an aim to gain the market capitalization globally. Thus, they became the fast follower of the technology and circulated their product worldwide. Global branding In today's world, the major focus of the companies is to create a brand image of the product globally. Once a brand image of the product is created in the market, then the company gains a competitive edge in the market. Thus, the fact shall be understood that brand image can help the company to initiate competence in their management. A premium price of the product helps the company to place themselves as a premium or luxurious brand in the market. The brand position of the product also helps the company to raise themselves above from the competition in the market. Global positioning refers to the place which the customers keep the products and perceive it as the best (Giachetti, and Marchi 2017). It helps the company to gain uniformity in products and helps the customers to known adequately about the product and company's image in the market. Further, the company which gained efficiency by using these strategies is discussed below: Samsung Samsung Company is a South Korean multinational conglomerate comprised of various businesses under them. The company mainly deals in producing hardware electronic products. The company is regarded to be one of the best company selling smartphones worldwide. With this effect, it is easily understood that Samsung has an identified image maintained in the market. Thus, it shall be known that global branding helped the company and its product to create emphasis on the customers and initiate the sale. Marketing strategies like adaptation and aggregation helped the company to survive tough competition in the global market (Saeed, Nematiyan, and Albonaiemi 2016). The main reason due to which Samsung is gaining maximum sale of its products in the market f compared with competitors is that the company manufactures all types of products that are high class, middle and lower class product. Looking at the preference of the market the company produces and manufactures products accordingly for the people who buys premium product whereas people who prefer middle range products buy the same form the market. Although due to this process the image of the company is not maintained as a luxury brand in the market, the company has gained the market capitalization by positioning the product at the adequate place (Dinnie 2015). Further due to these activities initiated by Samsung the global brand image of the company created the hybrid image in the market. Hybrid structure refers to company's image which produces all types of product and services. The product division helped the company to classify different products with different image. Products with premium prices are regarded as premium Samsung products and vice versa. With this strategy, the company slowly captured the global market along with the local customers (Verbeke 2013). Also, the product is positioned in the market by looking at the past activities of the company, thus, with this effect, different products are placed differently in the global market-based upon their level of satisfaction which they provide. Tesla Tesla Motors Inc. is an America automaker, energy Storage Company. The company is known for producing specialized electric cars which help in creating a sustainable environment. The initiative which the company started helped to create a global brand in the market. Tesla motors innovatively produced e-cars which less emitted pollution and generated less use of petroleum as well. Due to this process, the company identified themselves in the global market. The company showcased their product in such a way that, a strong brand image of the Tesla motors was created in the market. Talking about the brand structure, Tesla motors enjoy the image due to product dominance in the market. There is no other company in the market selling electronic cars with such efficiency. The company gains the competitive edge without market their new products in the market. As the customers already knew the quality of the products which the company serves, due to which they got attracted towards the electroni c cars and purchased them. Thus, due to this feature, the product was positioned at the premium place in the market (Foley 2016). Apart from that, the company sells normal cars well, before electronic cars the company gained the market capitalization by serving efficiency to its clients. Tesla eliminated the competition prevailing in the market by creating a recognized image in the market which possessed maximum sale of products of the company. Also, tesla is efficiently using the power in the market by selling products which are efficient and effective for people as well as nature. This image of the company is created in the market due to the placement of their product in the target market. Looking at the underlying market dynamic the company produced this product so as to change the face of the automobile industry and catted a differentiated position in the market. Also, the corporate branding feature helped the company to look at its future growth in advance. Branding helped the company to sustain the current growth in the competitive market; it also reduces the risk of competition in the market (Hoang, and Rothaermel 2016). Thus, with this process, the long-term vision of the company Tesla is also implemented. And now by gaining the major share of the global market the company can easily amend the automobile industry and create it in favor of society and customers. Conclusion Thus, in the limelight of above-mentioned event, the fact that shall be noted is that it is not easy for companies to gain a competitive edge in the target market; but if once an identified brad image is created globally then the company relieves them from the risk of competition. Further, it shall be noted just like Mercedes and Apple is important for the companies to place the product in the correct target market according to the type of their product. Along with this global branding helps the company to identify themselves in the global competitive market and gain the competitive edge. References Amos, D., 2016. How to Define Your Target Market. Ang, S.H., Benischke, M.H. and Doh, J.P., 2015. The interactions of institutions on foreign market entry mode.Strategic Management Journal,36(10), pp.1536-1553. Brouthers, K.D., 2013. A retrospective on: Institutional, cultural and transaction cost influences on entry mode choice and performance.Journal of International Business Studies,44(1), pp.14-22. De Mooij, M., 2013.Global Accounting and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Dinnie, K., 2015. Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice. Routledge. Foley, J., 2016. Shared Value and Competitive Advantage: A Tesla Motors Case Study. Garca-Lillo, F., beda-Garca, M. and Marco-Lajara, B., 2017. The intellectual structure of human resource management research: A bibliometric study of the International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20002012. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(13), pp.1786-1815. Giachetti, C. and Marchi, G., 2017. Successive changes in leadership in the worldwide mobile phone industry: The role of windows of opportunity and firms competitive action. Research Policy, 46(2), pp.352-364. Hoang, H. and Rothaermel, F.T., 2016. How to Manage Alliances Strategically. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(1), p.69. Saeed, N.B., Nematiyan, M. and Albonaiemi, E., 2016. Effective factors on the value of international brands in Iranian consumers (Case Study of Samsung brand in Khuzestan market). International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS)? ISSN 2356-5926, 2(3), pp.974-984. beda-Garca, M., Corts, E.C., Marco-Lajara, B. and Zaragoza-Sez, P., 2014. Strategy, training and performance fit. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 42, pp.100-116. Verbeke, A., 2013.International business strategy. Cambridge University Press.